‘Bank The Good’ To Eliminate Depression…

Samuel Cornell
3 min readFeb 1, 2021

This one little habit, executed consistently, could change your life.


When we are depressed we always focus on the bad. The negative. The unhelpful.


It’s difficult to see the positive in anything.


I know, I’ve been there.


But, one of the ways I got myself out of that place (without medication or outdated, time consuming therapy) was to ‘bank the good’.


There are always things that we can find in our lives to be grateful for, we just choose not to.


Being grateful for something in your life puts you temporarily into a positive frame of mind.


Do that often and consistently enough, and you program yourself to start seeing the positive in life rather than the negative all the time.


Eventually you find it very, very difficult to find any negative.


Yes, there are still problems around. That’s life.


But you tend to call them just ‘challenges’.


Things to overcome when the time is right.


Not the constant pressure of external circumstance which used to get you down.


Now, banking the good essentially means taking time to bask in the good things in your life.


We all have them, no matter what is going on.


I’m not gonna provide any examples.


That’s for you to look for.


But they are there.


You just need to open your mind and your eyes and search for them.


Whenever you notice one, bask in it for a moment.


Take a moment out to be grateful for it.


Feel what it feels like inside.


Make a mental note of that feeling.


You could even create an ‘anchor’ while doing this so you can recall that feeling anytime you want.


To create an anchor, touch your thumb and a finger together on each hand while you bask in the good.


As the feeling peaks, release your thumbs and fingers.


The more often you do this, the more positive anchors you will have.


The more easily that good feeling will come when you touch those two points together again.


Now, whenever you are feeling negative or down, all you have to do is touch those two points together and those positive feelings will return.


But, you must ensure you keep basking in the good.


Keep banking those feelings of gratitude.


Keep your glass topped up.


If you want to discover more tips like this, and escape the pain of depression, come join my Facebook group.


I’ll be going ‘Live’ in there every week to show you how to implement all the habits I learned that got me out of depression and into a life filled with contentment.


The link to the group is in my bio.


Please like, love, comment and share this with anyone you think may need it.



Samuel Cornell

Eliminate depression, anxiety, and addiction, permanently, without medication or time consuming outdated therapy! 👉 http://bit.ly/3iYVgJ1 👈