How To Burn Old Belief Systems To Sculpt a New Life, Without ‘Professional’ Intervention…

Samuel Cornell
2 min readJan 26, 2021

We all have limiting beliefs.


We put ourselves in ‘boxes’ according to these beliefs, halting our progression in life.


That’s ok.


We all do it.


But, we can all change those beliefs too.


We can put ourselves in different boxes.


We do that by changing our thinking around a belief.


Let’s take addiction as an example…


If we have an addiction of some sort, there will always be a positive intention attached to it.


Whether it’s to numb ourselves.


To escape the world.


To not deal with problems.


It could be many things.


The problem is, we have the belief system that we need the addiction to



But, that is not true, we just believe it to be true.


We could change our belief to something other than “I need (drug of choice/behaviour of choice) to cope”.


We could instead say “I’m a strong, resilient person who lives a clean and fulfilling life”.


This changes our perception of ourselves. Our core belief.


Obviously just repeating that belief day in day out out, alone, would not have the desired effect.


But, if we implement habits, carried out consistently, that aligned with that new belief, in time we would sculpt a new life.


We would prove to ourselves that the new belief is true, and would now have evidence to support that.


There may be some regression at times but that’s usually because we are not fully committed to the new belief, or we don’t truly believe it’s possible.


It could also be because it’s not what we really want or achieving the outcome would have some negative effect somewhere else in our lives.


This can be applied to any area of life whether in your personal life or business.


It’s these limiting beliefs, reaffirmed daily, that keep us stuck.


But, we can use the same system to create new potential too.


A lot of the time we overcomplicate things.


And when we overcomplicate we procrastinate.


If we remove as many barriers to procrastination or change as possible, change becomes much more simple.


If you’re looking for a simple solution to permanent change, join my Facebook group. The link is in my bio.



Samuel Cornell

Eliminate depression, anxiety, and addiction, permanently, without medication or time consuming outdated therapy! 👉 👈