If you’re missing this one thing in your life, you’re going to be at risk of depression, and addiction.

Samuel Cornell
2 min readJan 18, 2021

If you already have depression, or addiction, you are probably missing this one thing…

A couple of years ago, I was a full-time dad. Stay at home dad. Whatever you wanna call it.

I had a purpose. I loved it.

But, when you have 3 little-uns to look after it becomes a bit stressful.

I became isolated.

I had no escape i.e work.

No social life.

That’s when it turned from a passionate purpose into just a purpose. A purpose I had no choice in. It’s just what I had to do.

I still loved my kids. And there were many times of enjoyment. But there was a lot of stress.

I started to go downhill a little.

I started to get down.

I probably had the beginnings of depression but never realised it.

I would have a good drink on a Friday to release steam and that would ruin my Saturday. I still felt rough on Sunday.

That was essentially my life at that point in time.

Getting the kids sorted. School runs. Cooking. Cleaning. Friday drinks. Saturday/Sunday recovery.

A little further down the line, that purpose was taken away. My partner had had enough of my low mood and increased drinking, and she left with our children.

My purpose was taken away.

I was now very lost.

No purpose.


An alcohol problem.

And now anxiety too.

That went on for a long time.

And now I know one of the reasons why…

I had no purpose in life.

When you have no purpose, you sink into the depths.

When I found a new purpose, things changed.

I had a more positive outlook.

I didn’t want to fall back into old ways of thinking and behaving because I had a purpose now and I wanted to be at my best so I could better serve others.

Having a purpose stopped me slipping backwards.

And it was more than a purpose. I was passionate about it too. This was a double win. It gave me extra strength to succeed.

Of course, having passion and purpose weren’t the only things I needed.

I implemented other stuff too.

But passion and purpose are extremely important in life.

So my question to you…

Do you have a purpose in life right now?

Do you have something you’re passionate about?

If not…

What would you love to do with your life?

Who would you be?

What would you be?

Who would you help?

Finding a purpose is one of the steps required to ditch depression, and annihilate addiction.

Without purpose you can easily fall back into old ways of thinking and behaving.

Find your purpose in life.



Samuel Cornell

Eliminate depression, anxiety, and addiction, permanently, without medication or time consuming outdated therapy! 👉 http://bit.ly/3iYVgJ1 👈