Is Your Mind Constantly Busy With Negative Or Irrational Thoughts?

Samuel Cornell
2 min readFeb 2, 2021


This one single practice, executed consistently on a daily basis, can eliminate a busy mind.


There was a point in time when my mind was really busy, always thinking about past events or future events that may or may not occur.


Thankfully that is a thing of the past.


No longer is my mind running wild.


And that is specifically down to a daily practice that I’ve honed over many months, in fact it’s years now.


That skill is Mindfulness.


You too can have a calm, content, worry-free mind.


If you choose to consistently implement a daily Mindfulness practice.


I find the best way to hone the skill of Mindfulness is in Meditation.


If you can still the mind in Meditation, Mindfulness throughout the rest of the day becomes easy.


If you:


Suffer with poor sleep


Have poor concentration


Have poor memory


Suffer with a lack of patience


Are easily irritated


(I could go on and on about the benefits of Mindfulness and Meditation but I’ll leave you with those 5)


Mindfulness can ‘cure’ all of the above.


But, you have to practice it consistently.


As with any new skill, becoming great at something doesn’t happen overnight.


It takes months of consistent practice.


But, it gets easier.


It becomes ingrained.


It becomes second nature.


And there comes a time when you no longer need to even consciously think about it.


It’s just your automatic reaction.


It’s an absolute joy when you get to that stage.


Most people will give up before they get to that point though.


They’ll ‘try it out’ for a week or two, then say it’s not for them or it doesn’t work.


Greatness doesn’t come overnight.


It takes months of daily grind.


But if you can persist with literally 5–10 minutes a day of Meditation practice, you’ll get there.


YOU WILL ACHIEVE a calm, content worry-free mind too.


If you make a DECISION to PERSIST, and NEVER give up.


If you want to learn the ‘7 Habits Of Highly Content People’, come join my group.


I’ll teach you the top 7 habits I use to maintain a calm, content, worry-free mind 24/7.


The link to the group is in my bio.









Samuel Cornell

Eliminate depression, anxiety, and addiction, permanently, without medication or time consuming outdated therapy! 👉 👈