What if… ⁠

…depression is actually CAUSED by negative thought loops?

Samuel Cornell
2 min readJan 20, 2021

Now, I don’t know if this is true or not. All I can speak from is my own experience…⁠

When I was in the darkness. In the depths of depression. Playing the professional victim. Blaming my external circumstances on why I felt so bad. Being angry and resentful at the people around me and the rest of the world too.⁠

I thought only in negative thought loops. Never focusing on the positive. Always negative.⁠

Now, that is obviously going have an effect on the way I feel and act or react to situations. It may even have had an effect on my serotonin levels. Who knows. Maybe when you only focus on the negative in your life, your serotonin levels drop to a critical level where you start to experience depression.⁠

On the other end of that, when you start to focus on the positive in your life, no matter how small that might be, maybe that raises your serotonin levels helping you recover from depression and maintain good mental heath if you continue to do so.⁠

From my experience this would seem probable.⁠

When I only focused on the negative in my life, my life was shit. I was stuck in a negative thought loop with no exit strategy.⁠

Then, when I started to look for tiny things that were ok in my life, no matter how small they were, I started to feel more positive. And as time went on, I began to see more and more positive things in my life. More things I could be grateful for.⁠

I was beginning to build a positive outlook. A positive thought loop. A glass-half-full mentality.⁠

This wasn’t the only strategy I used to rebuild my life and escape the prison that was anxiety and depression, but, it started my journey off.⁠

We all have things to be grateful for in our lives, no matter how small they are, they are there. We just need to search for them.⁠

Start focusing on the positive and stop being a victim of external circumstances.



Samuel Cornell

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