Your IDENTITY fuels your behaviour, so how do you change your internal identity to breed new behaviour…

Samuel Cornell
2 min readJan 29, 2021

When I was in the darkness, my identity was lost.


That voice inside my head (which was me by the way), told me I was a failure. That I was doomed forever. That I would never achieve my lifetime goals because it wasn’t meant to be. I wasn’t strong enough. That I was hopeless.


Sometimes I listened.


Most of the time I didn’t.


And that’s what allowed me to break free.


I’ve done a lot of personal development over the years.


What I didn’t do was implement everything I learned.


I just implemented some of what I learned.


And that only got me so far.


So if you have an internal voice that tells you negative things about yourself (that’s you doing that by the way, there’s nobody else in there), how do you change that to break free?


There are three things you can, and should, do…


✅ Believe in a new identity:


Create a new identity for yourself. Something positive. Something you’d be proud of. Write it down and look at it daily. Repeat it in your head multiple times a day to cement it into your consciousness.


✅ Implement habits that align with your new identity:


I won’t give examples here, I’m sure you can work that out for yourself. But, implement habits that align with your new belief and eliminate ones that aligned with your old identity.


✅ Be very aware of the language you use when you talk to yourself:


When that voice in your head (you) puts you down or talks in a negative tone, interrupt it and reaffirm your new belief — your new identity. Replace the negative statements with positive ones aligned with your new identity.


This may sound very simple but simple is always the best way forward.


We are all in control of our own destiny whether we believe it or not.


Every decision we have made in the past has brought us to where we are today.


Every decision we make from now will take us to a destination in the future.


The power is within us to control that destination.


Sometimes we may feel that we have no choice in the matter.


But that is not true.


There is always a choice.


And you can choose today to build a new identity, if you want to.


It all comes down to decision.



Samuel Cornell

Eliminate depression, anxiety, and addiction, permanently, without medication or time consuming outdated therapy! 👉 👈